Calving Season

We have been calving here on the ranch since February 9. Our heifers (first-time, 2 year old momma cows) were supposed to start February 21, but babies come when they’re ready! ;-)

It’s been rather… adventuresome, to say the least! The house we live in is actually directly above our barn, and it’s been really nifty for the kids being able to experience calving 24/7 (literally).

This week we have had some issues with coyotes - one calf actually got chewed on. We doctored it, she seemed to rebound and then suddenly passed away the day after she stood on her own, sadly. The coyotes have been pretty bold, out in the broad daylight. It’s been putting the pressure on, for sure!

Calving season truly is a round the clock type of affair! Every calf is personally checked to make sure it’s warm enough, has gotten that first good meal of colostrum in a timely manner, and tagged for identification. The guys set alarms and check every 2 hours around the clock - more if it’s subzero temperatures, which it certainly has been up until today! Honestly, calving season this year has been a little rough! If you think of it, pray for your ranchers. They’re working tirelessly to provide America with quality beef, and it is hard work.

Tomorrow we are shipping our first beef boxes out! Be sure to check out all the offerings and get your first shipment coming! We are so excited to be able to serve you in this way!

Have a great week!


…the joy of the Lord is your strength. - Nehemiah 8:10


Pine Needles and Hay Bales